Lucy Campbell | You, Me & the Sea
As part of our 'You, Me & the Sea' campaign we wanted to find out more about the English and British Women's Surf Champion, Lucy Campbell. We chat about how Lucy first got into surfing, what fuels her, and what affect the current lockdown has on her relationship with the sea.
When did you start surfing?
I always enjoyed being in the water so started surfing at about the age of 10, taught by my Dad and big brother (who I still love to splash about in the sea with) and have been hooked ever since. Training and competing on the World Qualifying series leads me all over the world, which is what I have always dreamed of doing.
Tell us about your connection with the sea?
I'm lucky enough to call the sea my office. I have been surfing professionally for 3 years now and still have to pinch myself that being in the ocean counts as my job. People often ask me if surfing has become more of a chore now that it is my career but I can honestly say that I love it more and more.
Where’s your favourite place to embrace the sea and why?
Ooh that's a tough one! It's hard to beat surfing or swimming in a bikini somewhere tropical, or sunset sessions, however there is something so wild and invigorating about getting in the sea on windy, stormy days at home.
What’s your fondest sea memory?
I have so many happy memories teaching people to surf and lots of amazing surfing memories from some beautiful corners of the world. However, there is one that stands out from my first trip after finishing college.
My friend and I worked so hard at 4 jobs each all through the summer after our exams. We saved up and booked flights to Mexico. There was one evening just after we had arrived, we caught a boat out to a hidden wave and it was absolute perfection.
We surfed for hours and had some of the best waves we'd ever ridden, I just remember sitting in the pinky sunset water with the biggest, cheesiest grin on my face thinking how happy I was and that all the 16 hour days of working had paid off…. and that I wanted to do that for as long as I could!

‘You, me and the sea’…who or what would be your ‘you’ and why?
I'm going to change things up here, usually ‘you' would always be my board however I'm going to say my Mum. She swims in the sea all year round in her swimming cossie and I love joining her whenever I am home.
Inspired by your ‘Fuelling Lucy’ Instagram, what is your favourite pre sea fuel?
I love food and when I’m not in the water or training you’ll most likely to find me either cooking or baking, hence the Fuelling Lucy. For pre sea fuel it has to be the chocolate protein balls - so yummy and so full of goodness.

How has the current lockdown affected your relationship with the sea?
Lockdown has made the ocean even more valuable to me, I feel incredibly lucky to live near the sea so that I can get the occasional sea swim / ocean fix. It was definitely a hard transition to cut back my surf training, especially after spending my winter training hard and coming back feeling in good form for the start of my competition season. However, right now I realise the most important thing is not putting the rescue services at risk or the NHS under anymore pressure. The ocean will still be there in all its glory when this has passed.
Follow Lucy's journey on Instagram
For a lockdown activity take a look at Lucy's Choccy Power Up protein balls recipe